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gula tebu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "gula tebu"
  • gula:    sugar; sugar cane; tom collins; carbohydrate;
  • tebu:    cane; sugar cane; sugarcane; saccharum;
  • perkebunan tebu gula:    sugar plantation
  • tebu:    cane; sugar cane; sugarcane; saccharum; sugar-cane; genus saccharum
  • gula:    sugar; sugar cane; tom collins; carbohydrate; mulled wine; planter’s punch; pinch cake; refined sugar; crushed sugar; pecan pie; mint jelly; saccharide; drop; butter tart; hard sauce
  • ampas tebu:    bagasse
  • jus tebu:    sugarcane juice
  • kebun tebu:    cana field
  • pemanen tebu:    sugarcane harvester
  • pisau tebu:    cane knife
  • sari tebu:    sugarcane juice
  • tebu telur:    saccharum edule
  • tetes tebu:    molasses; flummadiddle; arrack
  • gula gula:    lollies; sweets
  • gula-gula:    candy; sweets; confectionery; rock; toffee; confection; sweet; confect; goodie; bonbon; sugar candy
  • During Prohibition we ran molasses into Canada.
    Selama Pelarangan Miras, kami mengimpor sirup gula tebu ke Kanada.
  • Farmers get subsidies for growing rice and sugar cane
    Para petani mendapat subsini atas beras dan gula tebu.
  • It is also possible to add cane sugar.
    Juga dimungkinkan untuk menambahkan gula tebu.
  • We were running molasses from Havana when you were a baby.
    Kami berbisnis sirup gula tebu di Havana saat kau masih kecil.
  • 1. Choose a total of three tablespoons of whole cane sugar.
    1. Pilih sejumlah tiga sudu besar gula tebu.
  • White Color Non GMO Soy Protein Powder , Soybean Powder No Adding Cane Sugar
    Warna Putih Non GMO Soy Protein Powder, Kedelai Bubuk Tidak Menambah Gula Tebu
  • C. Applied in pharmaceutical field, sugar cane wax extract powder can be used as raw materials.
    C. Diterapkan dalam bidang farmasi, bubuk ekstrak gula tebu dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku.
  • Sugarcane is grown on about 90% of the cultivated land area and accounts for 25% of export earnings.
    Gula tebu ditanam di 90% lahan pertanian dan ia mencakup 25% dari pendapatan ekspor.
  • Well, we can't afford a sugar-cane farm or anything fancy but welcome to our new home.
    Oke, kita tidak mampu bertani gula tebu atau tanaman panenan apapun yang mahal... tapi selamat datang di rumah baru kita.
  • It is a bit of jaggery, a bit of urens and a bit of other things I don't know.
    . Ini terdiri dari sedikit gula tebu, sedikit tanaman urens dan sedikit hal-hal lain yang saya tidak tahu.
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